Trip Planner Indonesia - Candi Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia. This temple is also known by the name of the Roro Jongrang temple was founded around the year 850 AD by the Sanjaya dynasty. By UNESCO since 1991 ago, the temple was designated as a world cultural heritage that must be protected existence. This case is perfect for those of you a trip planner indonesia who are interested in culture in Indonesia. Prambanan temple has a height of 47 meters or 5 meters higher than Borobudur temple.

Prambanan temple also called Rorojongrang as related by a legend that supposedly believed by Part of the Java Society. The legend tells of a prince named Bandung Bondowoso who falls in love with a daughter named Roro Jongrang. Because the princess is not the power to resist his love, the princess put forward a condition that must be fulfilled, namely Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in the number of overnight. The Jongrang Roro demand of affordable and almost fulfilled in one night until Roro Jongrang ask for help villagers to pound the rice and make rooster crowed indicating that it was morning. But rigged Bondowoso know that at that time already completed 999 statues, which then cursed Roro Jongrang into the statue 1,000.
Prambanan temple structures illustrate that belief in Hinduism Trimurti. Prambanan temple complex has three main temples in the courtyard of the temple of Shiva, the temple of Brahma and Vishnu temples. Every main temple has accompanying temple. Temple to Shiva temple accompanied Nandini, accompanied Brahma temple to temple to temple Wisni Geese and accompanied by temple Garuda.
Reliefs carved on the walls tell the story of the Ramayana Prambanan temple. There is also a relief Kalpataru tree, which Hindus consider the tree symbolizes the preservation of life and harmony. The existence of these trees depicted the Java community at that time to have awareness in preserving the environment.
For the visitors want to find more information about Prambanan, has provided a museum located in the temple complex of Prambanan. The museum provides an audio visual information about the history Prambanan Temple . There was an exciting event held every month on the full moon is staging Ramayana. Ramayana story told in this show is a translation of the reliefs carved on the walls of the temples of Prambanan.
Prambanan temple Prambanan located in the village which is administratively divided into two regions, namely Yogyakarta Sleman and Klaten district of Central Java. Prambanan temple is situated on the edge of the highway Yogyakarta - Solo so it can be easily accessed from anywhere. For visitors coming from the direction of Yogyakarta in order to get to this location only spend Rp.3.000 - Rp.4.000 with Transjogja bus ride.
Facilities available around the temple complex of Prambanan are quite complete, such as hotels or home stay, restaurant , gift shop and cafe. Tour guides can also easily be obtained from trace-footprint Java triumph of civilization - Hindu.
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