Trip Planner Indonesia - Have you ever imagined to enter the cave, which has a vertical cave mouth and if lucky we can enjoy a beam of heavenly light from the cave. It is very suitable for you a trip planner indonesia who loves cave. The cave is located in the mountainous area in Gunung Kidul karts. This cave is a cave of about 500 caves in the mountainous region. This cave has a vertical cave mouth to the distance between the mouth of the cave with essentially varied. Most within approximately 80 m. It takes the ability to Single Rope Technique (SRT) to enter this cave. SRT is a standard technique used to wear down the vertical cave with a rope as a path that is used for the road up and down a vertical.

There are four paths that can be bypassed by nature explorers to enter the bottom of the cave. The first path is the easiest path is often called the VIP. This belt of 15m first pass through steep trajectory and still passable by foot. Complete SRT equipment must be used to ensure the safety of explorers. The rest of the distance to the bottom of the cave can be reached by SRT, sliding with straps as far as approximately 20 m. Meanwhile, three other lanes terrain is more difficult because they have to use the SRT from a height of 80 m (Line A), 60 m (Line B), 40 m (line C). For explorers who first entered the cave vertical, are required to use the VIP lines first. But for those who are used to enter the cave vertical height of the vertical cave is a challenge, although still need to pay attention to safety factors. This Jomblang cave diameter of 50 m, was first explored in 1984 by The Acintyacunyata Speleological Club (ASC). Is a group of cave explorers from Yogyakarta.

The Gunung Kidul Jomblang cave is proved to have a very dark history story. In the era of the late 1970-1980, the cave was used for the location of the mass murder of members of PKI (Indonesian Communist Party). Hundreds of members of PKI expected to meet his death in the Jomblang cave. According to the story, they group lined up at the mouth of the cave with his hands tied together with one another. When one one pinned down until it fell into the cave, the other members will all come fall. This story could scare the local community plus haunted stories about the place. Told also the explorers lost in the cave. In the 1990s the community around the cave held a prayer together in the cave. Since then, no story or event again caver who lost Cave Jomblang Gunung Kidul.
For those not familiar, the path used to reach the bottom of the cave will be very tiring. Plus horror stories about the cave of the explorers who ever entered, it will probably make the explorers felt trepidation before entering the cave. But once entered into it all the feelings that interfere with previously will be replaced by the beauty of the cave Jomblang.

While at the bottom of the cave, we can find some lush vegetation thrives, the chalk walls overgrown shrubs. After reaching the base, explorers can rest in a natural formation chamber. Furthermore, explorers can go on down the hallway that connects the cave Jomblang with other vertical cave called the cave Grubug. Hallway connecting two caves is quite wide with a length of about 500 meters. To down the hall can easily be passed because there is a path that is formed from rocks that are arranged lengthwise. But the explorers have to be careful because the road is very slippery because the proficiency level in the cave of humid air.

Having reached the end of the hall, which is the basis Grubug cave, explorers can see the extraordinary beauty. There are two stalagmites brownish green big enough to stand upright in the middle of the bottom of the cave Grubug. If the bottom of the cave explorers can achieve Grubug promptly at 13:00 pm will be able to see exotic sights of sunlight that breaks into the darkness at the bottom of the cave Grubug. Sunlight also touched a number of stalactites and stalagmites are formed from droplets of water over thousands of years.
There are streams which are from Kalisuci located on the northern flank of the huge stalagmites. Explorers can use a rubber boat during the dry season to explore the river paths. The flow of the river connecting the bottom of the cave Grubug with several other caves in the karst mountainous region. During the rainy season the river flow is fairly heavy, so it is advisable not to try to trace the river because it is very dangerous.
Jomblang cave located Jetis Wetan, Semanu, Gunung Yogyakarat Special Region, is 10 km from the town of Cave Jomblang Wonosari. To visit South Mountain tourists can use public transport. From the Bus Station you take a bus Jogja-Wonosari Wonosari Simpang Lima - Semanu - Kadus home Jetis Wetan to entrust the goods and takes the goods to be brought into the cave - walk 3 km to the mouth of the cave.
Hamlet Head Jetis Wetan home has long been used as a stopover while than to entrust the goods before entering the cave. To Hamlet and his wife will usually greet guests who came to provide water or hot tea to busy explorers. Besides the head of the hamlet is also invited to use the bathroom to clean up the mud-mud used during the trip into the cave. Courtesy of the head of the hamlet who opened her home to every explorer who stopped the explorers usually give some money to the citizens
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